JOBO 1510: 1x35mm Tank +1 Reel
JOBO Tank for film developing
Tank System 1500
Film tanks for B/W and color developing
The Jobo film developing tanks are among the best on the market. The tanks can be combined with extension modules, for example the 3-film tank extension 1530. Depending on which lid you have on the tank, you can use it for either normal hand developing or use it in one of the many processors that are available (with cog lid for the models with a lifter, and with magnet lid for those models without lifter). With the extension modules, you can quickly turn a 2-film tank into a 5-, 7-, or 8-film tank.
The tanks come with a maximum of one spiral. Most are delivered with the plastic lid for hand-developing. By adding a cog to the lid, you can use any tank in a processor. If you want to develop both with a processor and by hand, it is better to purchase the complete cog lid.
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Developer BN
ADOX FX-39 500ml Concentrate
ADOX has moved the production of FX-39 to Switzerland and they have improved the stability of the concentrate.
FX-39 is a legend.
For more than 40 years Geoffrey Crawley has readjusted and optimized different developer recipes. And created this masterpiece in the heydays of film. FX-39 is based on Willi Beutler’s Neofin Rot formula, but was improved in all parameters. Since about 10 years ADOX is improving this formulary.
FX-39 is a compensating developer, providing excellent detail rendition, sharpness and resolution. The effective film speed is high. The compensating effect can be well controlled in a very wide range by variations in dilution. The compensating effect can be precisely adjusted to the subject contrast and film type. There remains only one reason for not using FX-39 exclusively and that is absolutely finest grain. If you want the finest grain possible than finest grain developers like Adox Atomal are the optimal solution. FX-39 harmonizes excellently especially with all low- and medium-speed films. In the ISO 400/27° class the best results are obtained with Kodak Tri-X, Kodak T-Max 400, Ilford Delta 400 and Fuji Neopan 400. If needed FX-39 can also be used for increasing film speed by 1 stop (push processing).
Adox has produced FX-39 for Paterson since 2004. Geoffrey Crawley was here to transfer the formula and to support the implemention of the production. We promised him to keep his „baby“ alive and kicking, even when Paterson may decide to stop the distribution. As Paterson made this decision later on, FX-39 is now not only produced, but also branded and distributed by Adox.
Technical data:
500ml developer concentrate.
Standard dilution: 1+9 “one-shot” application.
High dilution: 1+19 ”one-shot” application for increase of the compensating effect (by 75% extended developing time). By doing this film speed is a bit lower. So it is possible to trade compensating effect for film speed in a certain range.
Developing times are listed on Digitaltruth.
Developer BN
ADOX ADONAL 100 ml conc.
Agfa Rodinal has now been replaced by Adox Rodinal. The formulation and developing times are exactly the same - only the packaging has changed!
Acutance enhancing film developer
RODINAL is produced acording to Agfa Leverkusen´s latest Rodinal* formula from 2004.
It does not get more RODINAL than this.
ADOX works together with former Agfa scientists on all Agfa-replacement products.
If you have used Agfa* RODINAL before you can achieve identical results with RODINAL.
Compared to R09/APH09 Rodinal works more finegrained while still enhancing sharpness and acutance.
100 ml conc. (Baby Rodinal)
250 ml conc.
500 ml conc.
Dilution: 1+25 to 1+500
RODINAL is a one shot developer and can not be re-used.
Hint: Due to trademark conflicts Rodinal can currently not be sold to F R A N C E.
Please chssoe ADONAL instead. If you order Rodinal to France we will autmatically ship you ADONAL instead.
stop bath
ADOX ADOSTOP ECO Geruchloses Stoppbad mit Indikator 1000 ml Concentrate
B&W and Color
ADOX Adofile PolypropyleNe Negative Sleeves For 9x12 cm (4x5-Sleeves)
ADOFILE polypropylene for filing 4x5 plate negatives
ADOFILE Polypropylene negative file sheets
Clear pages for archiving, viewing and contact printing.
The pages are adapted both from 3 rings to 4 ring binders. Both ends of the negative sleeves are open, allowing for air exchange. Polypropylene is absolutely chemically neutral and the security file
ADOX Adofile Polypropylene Negative Sleeves For Medium Format 6x6/6x7/6x9 Oversized
ADOFILE Negative file pages are made of high-grade polypropylene. The 6x7/6x9 variety is somewhat narrower than the 6x6 version, so that all sizes of medium format negatives fit inside.
The pages fit in both 3 ring an 4 ring binders. Both ends of the negative sleeves are open, allowing for air exchange. The polypropylene is absolutely chemically neutral and archive-safe.
Polypropylene files are more stable than those made from acetate and thus easier to load.
The slight difference in thickness leads to a theoretical lower resolution of a contact print through the file though (compared to the thinner acetate sleeves).
ADOX Adofile Polypropylene Negative Sleeves 35mm Oversized
ADOFILE Negative file pages are made of high-grade polypropylene. They are 1-2cm oversized, so that a stip of 6 negatives fits completely into the sleeve without any overhang.
The pages fit in both 3 ring an 4 ring binders. Both ends of the negative sleeves are open, allowing for air exchange. The polypropylene is absolutely chemically neutral and archive-safe.
Polypropylene files are more stable than those made from acetate and thus easier to load.
The slight difference in thickness leads to a theoretical lower resolution of a contact print through the file though (compared to the thinner acetate sleeves).
Negative file sheet for 35m
Pergamine sheets of paper are of course cheaper and somewhat better for filing, as their porosity allows moisture to evaporate. However, parchment has the disadvantage of not being transparent, so you will have to remove the negatives to look at them or make contacts.
Hoja archivador de negativos para 120m
Pergamine sheets of paper are of course cheaper and somewhat better for filing, as their porosity allows moisture to evaporate. However, parchment has the disadvantage of not being transparent, so you will have to remove the negatives to look at them or make contacts.
Pack C41
Kit C41 Tetenal 2,5 litros
Este kit para 2,5 litros tiene una capacidad de 16 rollos por litro carretes de 35mm. (nuevo)
Consta de un revelador de color, un baño fijador, blanqueador y un baño establizador para el revelado de de peliculas en color proceso C-41.
PATERSON Film Developing Tank 2x35mm + 2 Reels
Paterson System 5 drip-free film developing tank
Very good film developing tank from Paterson in England.
Patented large rubber lid that really seals itself to the tank. Tanks, that barely drip. Very good value for the money.
2 x 35mm or 1 x 120 film. Includes two film reels.
The film reels are made with quality construction and reel the film in (like the AP reels) automatically with little beads.
The tank sits well in the hand for inversion during developing, and you can grip it easily while removing or replacing the lid.
The reels from Paterson and the economical AP-Tanks are interchangeable. So if you already have the AP reels and just want to upgrade the tank, you can do that too.
The starter kit film basic contains all you need to develop your own BW film in the basic version.
The kit contains:
- a Paterson two film tank with two spirals
- a thermometer
- an Adox 25 ml Rodinal measuring cylinder
- an Adox 1000 ml measuring cup
- 100 ml of ADONAL film developer
- 100 ml of ADOFIX Fixer
- 50 ml of ADOFLO wetting agent
- an exposed film in order to practise the film spooling process
- a comprehensive manual in German and English language with many images explaining the film developing process.
With this kit you can develop up to 7 films.
The following items are assumed to be in your house already (or have to be ordered separately):
- a dark room to spool the film (alternatively buy a changing bag)
- a stop clock with minutes and seconds display
- a pair of scissors
- a pair of film clips to hang the film for drying.
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JOBO System 1540 4x35mm Tank
JOBO Tank for film developing
Tank System 1500
Film tanks for B/W and color developing
The Jobo film developing tanks are among the best on the market. The tanks can be combined with extension modules, for example the 3-film tank extension 1530. Depending on which lid you have on the tank, you can use it for either normal hand developing or use it in one of the many processors that are available (with cog lid for the models with a lifter, and with magnet lid for those models without lifter). With the extension modules, you can quickly turn a 2-film tank into a 5-, 7-, or 8-film tank.
The tanks come with a maximum of one spiral. Most are delivered with the plastic lid for hand-developing. By adding a cog to the lid, you can use any tank in a processor. If you want to develop both with a processor and by hand, it is better to purchase the complete cog lid.