

Preto . Tono Arias / Special Edition


Special Edition

Signed & numbered

This volume, which emerged from the question “who are we?”, contains a series of images of Galician rural characters portrayed during carnival. They are portraits made at dusk, in those empty spaces where the everyday life of the protagonists transcend. The artist investigates in Preto the ambiguity of the human being, undertaking a disturbing journey between fiction and reality. The question, in the opinion according to the photographer, is to know if the costume allow us to give a more real vision of what we are, if we show more about ourselves than we intend to hide. The author explores the complexities of contemporary photography addressing issues about identity. At the same time, he establishes a dialog with the rural environment, discovering beauty in the uniqueness of the people who show themselves spontaneously in front of the camera, integrated in the landscape they inhabit. Are we that mirror where another mirror, false, or true is reflected? Anything goes...


Preto . Tono Arias

Special Edition with print 20x30 cm (edition 50)


Publicado por, Published by: Dispara 2019

Fotografías e deseño . Photographs and design: Tono Arias

Texto . Text: Antón Lopo

Tradución . Translation: David Barreiro

Impresión . Printing: Rodi

Encadernación . Binding: Legatoria

Papel . Paper: Munken lynx rough 150g

©2019 Dispara para esta edición . for this edition

©2019 Tono Arias das imaxes . for the images

Primeira edición . First edition

ISBN: 978-84-942245-4-6

DL: PO-23-2019

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