

Why Exhibit? vol. 2 . On Curating Photography


Fw books

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A discussion on curatorial practices around photo-based images, centred on the current challenges faced by curators and artist working with photography. How do they navigate its constantly changing appearance? How are issues of representation dealt with? And what kind of mediation is necessary while seeking new forms of authorship and interaction with audiences? Offering insights into a wide range of experiences, reflections, and views from various curators, writers, and researchers, this book focuses on practical perspectives intertwining photography and curation – conversations which are vital for curating photography in light of pressing issues surrounding the medium.

Why Exhibit? vol. 2 . On Curating Photography

Publisher     Fw: Books
ISBN     9789083451046
256 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English

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