

Rinko Kawauchi . as it is


Torch Press

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Introducing “as it is,” the newest photo collection by Rinko Kawauchi. In this volume, she has collected photographs taken since the birth of the her child three years before; the work depicts Kawauchi’s child, together with scenes the photographer holds close to her. In the twenty-year-long span of time since the release of her first photo collection “Utatane” in 2001, Kawauchi has undergone a gradual transition – shifting her gaze from the world of the quotidian to the outside world. A more recent photo collection, “Halo” (2017) reflects this, with imagery evoking images of a distant, faraway universe. In “as it is,” however, we see Kawauchi come back to where she once began – her sights return her own child and family, together with the scenes of her everyday.

Rinko Kawauchi . as it is

Publisher     Torch Press
ISBN     9784907562243
144 p, ills colour, 18 x 23 cm, pb, Japanese

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