

Encarnados . Tono Arias / PACK



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Flesh-coloured, possessed. Meat eaters, hungry, free. Red is the colour that stands out among the crowd, which takes us on a temporary journey to transform and live in another reality, beyond a subjective dimension. Frightening the thought, causing relationships with a reality that is held in a transgressive frequency, with a fictitious point of view where the real is not shown but its reverse. Where is it, then, the real one?, Tono Arias asks himself in an untiring effort to work - always - from a position that allows him to interrogate himself before the world. The construction of a particular visual story about form and colour takes it to small sequences, short stories, imaginary haikus. A discourse open to the viewer’s interpretation. Photographs on the fringes of the explicit dimension which try to attract, murmur. Unpredictable images that vibrate in a magnetic field between the gaze and the world.



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Publicado por . Published by  Dispara 2019

Fotografías . Photographs: Tono Arias

Texto . Text: Antón Lopo

Tradución . Translation: David Barreiro

Deseño . Design: Dispara 

Impresión . Printing: Rodi

Encadernación . Binding: Legatoria

Papel . Paper: GardaPat Kiara 115 grs.

Cuberta . Cover: G.F Smith Nomad Tan 350gr

©2019 Dispara desta edición . for this edition

©2019 Tono Arias das imaxes . for the images

Primeira edición . First edition

ISBN: 978-84-942245-3-9

DL: PO-22-2019

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