

DesXeo . Tono Arias



Signed & Numbered

Bodies covered in white powder. Powder that cleans, purifies, restarts the rite and the festivity. A collective catharsis, a session of natural psychotherapy. Like water in the thaw, flour crosses the bodies causing multiple sensations, giving rise to images, emotional and abstract, full of perplexity and uncertainty. A look of astonishment, intuitive. Close sensory experiences that rest trapped in fragments of artificial light.


DesXeo . Tono Arias


Shorlisted ARLES Author Book Award 2019

Shorlisted Athenas Photobook Festival 2019


Publicado por . Published by Dispara 2019

Fotografías e deseño . Photographs and design: Tono Arias

Texto . Text: Antón Lopo

Tradución . Translation: David Barreiro

Impresión . Printing: Rodi

Encadernación . Binding: Legatoria

Papel . Paper: Olin Rough 150 g

©2019 Dispara desta edición . for this edition

©2019 Tono Arias das imaxes . for the images

Primeira edición . First edition

ISBN: 978-84-942245-5-3

DL: PO-24-2019

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