Behind The Waterfall
28 EUR
Publication date: Sep 2015
Limited edition of 500 copies
22×26 cm
80 pages
38 colour plates
English / Catellano / Galego / Islandes
Las fotografías que aparecen en este libro fueron tomadas en la costa sur de Islandia durante los veranos de 2013 y 2014. Al ser una de las zonas del país con una mayor concentración de atracciones turísticas, este territorio cuenta con un gran número de hoteles y pensiones que operan casi exclusivamente durante los meses de verano, atrayendo a un gran número de trabajadores de temporada extranjeros y locales. Este libro presenta el universo particular de esta comunidad perenne durante esos meses de actividad frenética y compañerismo situacional.
The photographs shown here were taken on the south coast of Iceland during the summers of 2013 and 2014. As one of the areas of the country with the highest concentration of tourist attractions, this region has a large number of hotels and guesthouses operating almost exclusively during the summer months and attracting a large number of foreign and local seasonal workers. This book presents the particular universe of this perennial community during those months of frenzied activity and situational fellowship.